Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Bump of Chicken - 邂逅 (Kaikou) (Kaikō) versuri traducere în engleză


Meeting by chance

On the water's surface painted by the night, a silvery road drawn by the moon
Someday, I will cross over it. We'll meet again, without a doubt.
In the depths of deaf ears, the embers of voices still linger
Keeping an unforgettable fever, I quietly burn the present time away
A silent beast that doesn't seem to miss the company of anyone
Within its territory, it's nothing but a breathing mass.
Why do you make me feel so alone? Why does it feel like we've never been apart?
The hole you pierced through my heart insists I have to live a future without you
If I can't bring my tears across with me, at least let me cry like a kid for now
Because when the dawn arrives to greet the starry sky, I'll choose the future connected by my past
I close my eyes to the faint breeze and never wake up from my dreams
Seeing off countless fleeting moments, all I do is keep my own company here
Falling on deaf ears, the embers of voices sting me
As if to wake those dozing eyes, I scrub away my tired present and smile
Be by my side, be by my side, under the morning that seems like someone else's problem
Don't disappear, don't disappear, show me there's something here
Be by my side, be by my side, under the sun that's gonna freeze me solid
Don't erase me, hold me tight
A silent beast that roars, laughing at others
Refusing to give up its life, it's nothing but a breathing mass
If I could meet you again, I want to tell you 'thank you', but where is the meaning born from that?
Goodbye, beyond that, on this wavering path, I insist on searching for it in the future you're not in.
Why do you make me feel so alone? Why does it feel like we've never been apart?
Because when the dawn arrives to greet the starry sky, I'll choose the future connected by my past
Because my tears will come along with me
The hole forever through my heart insists that, yes, I have to live a future without you
Be by my side, be by my side, under the morning that seems like someone else's problem
Don't disappear, don't disappear, show me there's something here
Be by my side, be by my side, under the sun that's gonna freeze me solid
Don't erase me, hold me tight, someday I'll make it over there
We'll meet again, without a doubt.

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